Yesterday I spent a wonderful evening. It was dark outside the window, the wind whistled in the branches of the trees, the rain whipped the windows while I played this game and felt as if I were again ten years old and I was sitting in an armchair reading my first gothic stories.
I admire your ability to strictly withstand style. Nowadays, eclecticism has blurred many boundaries, but sometimes I want to plunge into something integral.
I am happy to follow the development of Kit and I hope that you have enough time and patience to bring it to the end. Then your fans will get even more die-away gothic evenings.
Thank you for your support and kind words! Achieving a Gothic atmosphere like that is always a goal for my games, so I couldn't be happier that it brought you that experience!
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Amazing game looking forward to play more of your games
Thanks! :)
this was really amazing. I assume that Sam is obsessed with Marie? He scares me, but the beautiful melody of the game helped me stay calm
Thank you! Sam's pov -was- meant to unsettle the player, but I hope the game hit the right balance of beauty and horror!
it really did, its hard to find a horror game interesting as this. Very unsettling, but delightful experience.
Very haunting and captivating, this is a great gothic visual novel. I really enjoyed it, thanks for sharing!
thank -you- for playing!
Dear developer, I added your game to Top 5 Scream Jam Games in my review video. I hope you ll enjoy it!
This game was a work of art ;)
Really liked the narrative and I admire the artistic choices you've made great work!
Thank you kindly!
Yesterday I spent a wonderful evening. It was dark outside the window, the wind whistled in the branches of the trees, the rain whipped the windows while I played this game and felt as if I were again ten years old and I was sitting in an armchair reading my first gothic stories.
I admire your ability to strictly withstand style. Nowadays, eclecticism has blurred many boundaries, but sometimes I want to plunge into something integral.
I am happy to follow the development of Kit and I hope that you have enough time and patience to bring it to the end. Then your fans will get even more die-away gothic evenings.
Thank you for your support and kind words! Achieving a Gothic atmosphere like that is always a goal for my games, so I couldn't be happier that it brought you that experience!